

Year 3 - Trip to the Science Museum!

Did you know that a cloud weighs almost a million tonnes?

It's truly miraculous how Allah S.W.T has designed the universe, and our students in Year 3 explored all the astounding elements of space, chemistry, physics and more during their trip to the Science Museum. Learning about science is always interesting, but looking at it from an Islamic perspective makes it all the more captivating!

Our Year 3 students had a great time exploring all the different displays that the Science Museum had to offer, and they also participated in some fantastic workshops!


Year 5 and 6 - Swimming

Year 5 and 6

Our Year 5 and 6 students have begun their daily swimming lessons and have been steadily improving in their skills! It's so great to see them stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new - and they're doing such an excellent job, too!


Planting in the Peace Garden!

Our students have been utilising the revamped peace garden as well as the sunshine through planting various vegetables and flowers! Our Year 2 students planted chillies, and they enjoyed exploring the process behind growing their own vegetables!
In addition, our Year 6 students also spent one morning out in the garden where they planted tomatoes, and tasted some fresh mulberries! We can't wait to see all the wonderful fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers that will blossom in the summer months!


International Non-Uniform Day!

BHA was truly buzzing with excitement as students were given the opportunity to represent their culture and heritage with pride, through their clothing! It was wonderful to see such diversity across our school, and we've got some amazing pictures for you to look through!

Show your support on our Instagram and X (Twitter), as well as our newly re-designed website!