

Enjoying our Peace Garden!

Our Peace Garden has certainly been a popular location for our students to enjoy some quiet time where they settled down with a good book to read, soaking up the sunshine! It was wonderful to see our students, across all classes, enjoy the greenery during the day!

However, our students have done more than just reading inside the garden; in fact, some of our students had their lessons in the peace garden, and even our Nursery students got to take some of their exciting activities into the brilliant outdoor space!


Reception - A trip to the train station!

In Reception, our children have been learning all about transportation and they even took a trip to the local train station! Not only did they have a great train ride, but they were able to catch a glimpse into how tickets are made and sold, and listened to the train master's interesting facts! They even saw other modes of transportation on this trip, including cars and buses!


Year 1 - Paper Weaving!

Our Year 1 class's art lessons are always fun to observe, and this time, our students were learning all about weaving paper strips to make colourful patterns! Their end results look great!


Reception - Baking!

Our Reception class also participated in a fun cooking activity where, with the help of their teachers, they completed the process of making delicious (and healthy) biscuits!