

Preparing for our Nasheed Tribute!

Here's a quick sneak peek at our choir hard at work rehearsing for the upcoming Yusuf Islam Tribute, and if you'd like to hear their singing, head over to our Instagram page! It's been so great to see our choir grow and improve throughout the year, working so hard to put on their best performance. Show our choir some support and book your tickets now!


Basketball training in P.E.!

This week, our students have been training for basketball and have been practicing their throws and catches while also enhancing their speed and stamina. It's great to see our students thrive when faced with a challenge, and how they're always determined to do their best!


Year 4 and 5 - Science Museum Trip!

Our Year 4 and 5 recently visited the Science Museum and judging by the fantastic videos and pictures (check out our website and social media pages), it's safe to say they had a fantastic time! From participating in different workshops, to experimenting with the many interactive displays offered by the museum, our Year 4 and 5 students thoroughly enjoyed their experience!


Year 3 - Writing Autobiographies!

This morning, our Year 3 students enjoyed writing and sharing their autobiographies which allowed them the opportunity to not only work on their writing skills, but also boosted their confidence as they read their writing aloud to the class!