

Year 1 and 2 go to Flip Out!

This week's Flip Out trip was certainly enjoyed by our students, who had such a great time trampolining and jumping in the UK's biggest indoor adventure park! It was great to see our younger students have such a great time as they explored the many different amenities that the park had to offer.


Year 4 - Assembly about the digestive system!

Did you know that the length of your entire digestive system is around 30 feet long?

Our Year 4 students shared many interesting, and surprising, facts about the digestive system in their class assembly this week which fascinated our audience! Well done to our Year 4s for preparing such an informative and engaging presentation!


Year 3 - Trip to London Zoo!

Our Year 3 students also enjoyed a trip this week, where they went to London Zoo! The animal lovers in this class were so excited to see the wildlife up close, such as tigers, monkeys and even giraffes! Not only was this a fun trip, but also gave our students the opportunity to appreciate the creation of Allah S.W.T!


We're Hiring!

We're looking for a qualified primary teacher to join our team here at BHA! If interested, please apply via our job application form here on our website!