

Year 3 - Ribbons and Streamers During P.E!

Our Year 3 students created a stunning visual display using ribbons in their P.E. lesson this week. Combining athletics with new tools allowed our students to explore learning in a fun and dynamic way. Here are some great snapshots of the lesson!


Year 6 - Double-Page Spreads on the Shang Dynasty!

The Shang Dynasty was one of the earliest ruling dynasties in China ever recorded in history. Heralding the Chinese Bronze Age and known for their advances in maths, astronomy and artwork, the Shang Dynasty has made for a fascinating subject of in-depth study. Our Year 6 students have stepped into the world of Ancient China, exploring its customs, traditions and societies and this week, they produced some stunning double-page spreads where they laid out all the information they've studied for this topic (alongside information on their current Science topic 'Light'), and we think they've done an absolute fabulous job!


Discussions on Mental Health Awareness!

As you may all be aware, Monday 6th February marked the start of the Children's Mental Health Week and our students participated in a multitude of different activities centring around the importance of mental health awareness, and what role we can play as individuals in ensuring that everyone around us feels safe, secure, and happy! From changing mindsets, to exploring our feelings, our students truly immersed themselves in the importance of mental health conversations.


Our Sponsored Readathon!

Instilling the love of reading is crucial to nurturing a child's imagination, their creativity, their reading proficiency and their writing. During this half-term holiday, our PTFA is introducing a sponsored readathon where our students are challenged to read as many books/chapters as they can! So read, record your sponsors, and raise as many funds as you can! Read. Record. And Raise! And feel free to join in with the children! Happy reading everyone!