

Reception - Making Healthy Pizzas

Our Reception students learned all about making pizza this week; from grating cheese and cutting olives and peppers, to applying sauce on buns, our Reception class did everything! And not only did our students learn about the process of making pizza, but they were also able to count the different topics, sort them into groups, and were taught the importance of healthy eating too! It certainly sounds like our Reception students had a great time in the Hill Café this week!


Our Reading Room!

As we've been emphasising the importance of reading this past year, it's only fitting that we have a dedicated reading room in our building! Filled with a variety of books - both fiction and non-fiction, and for all different ages - our reading room is the perfect place to kick back, relax and immerse yourself into another great, nail-biting story!

Furthermore, if you're interested in joining our weekly, parent-student reading sessions, than feel free to contact us - we'd love to have your support!


The Decision to Becoming a VA School!!

After years of hard work, we're thrilled to announce that our efforts have come to fruition: Barnet Hill Academy has successfully completed its application to becoming voluntary aided. This entails plentiful education opportunities for Barnet's Muslim youth.
We invite you to browse through the official decision page on Barnet's borough website, as well as to read through the extensive proposal PDF here:


Welcome Back to School!

We hope you've had a great summer break, and we're so excited to welcome back our staff members and students for what we hope will be another great year at school! Our Autumn Term has plenty of fun opportunities and events jam-packed for all our students to look forward to!

Term begins on Thursday 1st September and for more academic dates, feel free to visit our annual schedule here: