

Year 2 - Crafting Crowns and Magnificent Monarchs

It's all about royalty with Year 2 this week as we read 'The Princess and the White Bear King', a fairytale-esque adventure of the king's daughter journeying to the castle of a white bear. Using an assortment of crafting supplies, such as paper, gems and colours, our students got inventive as they made their very own crowns, bringing the story of the adventurous princess and her bear friend to life!


Year 1 - Shifting Shapes!

As part of their deep-dive into different shapes, our Year 1 students experimented with elastic bands to make a variety of different three and four-sided shapes! Upon walking into the classroom, our students were eager to share their creations, correctly identifying the shapes they'd constructed as well as recognising the number of sides and corners.


Our Multicultural Book Sale!

Diversity in reading is so important, especially to nurture young minds and broaden their horizons. By reading books from different perspectives - both similar and different to their own - children will be able to walk in the footsteps of characters from other countries, navigating different real-world circumstances but also characters who they may be able to relate to! With this in mind, our BHA PTFA partnered with @rubyreads_uk on Instagram, a multicultural book shop, and we were amazed by the successful turnout!


Year 6 - The Shang Dynasty

Upon walking into our Year 6's classroom, we were blown away by the thorough and vivid display on the Shang Dynasty that our students put together! At BHA we offer a diversity in their learning experiences, and by studying historical periods outside of the traditional British research, our students become supplied with a profusion of knowledge on cultures, conventions and historical figures. The Shang Dynasty originated around 1600 BCE and was the earliest ruling dynasty of China to be recorded in history. It's known for its invention of writing, the development of a stratified government, and its advancements of bronze technology!