

Year 5 - Pottery!

Our Year 5 class certainly got creative as they created the first part of their pottery creations! Their artistic skills have begun to shine through, and we're looking forward to seeing how they turn out! Stay tuned for the next few weeks to see the finished products!


Reception - A Creepy Crawly Adventure!

There are so many fascinating aspects to insects, things we've probably never even thought about past the fact that they're small and slightly creepy ... but there's so much we can learn about them too! For instance, did you know that an average ladybug may eat more than 5000 insects in its lifetime? We certainly didn't! Our Reception class has been investigating different creepy crawlies during this week, and even went on a playground hunt to see whether they could find a stray snail or wriggly worm in one of BHA's nooks and crannies! Armed with magnifying glasses too, our Reception students were ready for a great adventure!


Year 6 - Experimenting with Light

You can always expect to discover something fun when science is involved and our Year 6 students discovered this first-hand as they investigated how light travels in a straight line using a mirror and a torch! If their huge smiles are anything to go by, we'd say that it was a successful, and enjoyable, science lesson! And in case you were wondering why light travels in a straight line and doesn't just bounce all over the place, it's because it travels like a wave and chooses to travel the smallest distance between two points.


Year 3 - Iron Age Roundhouses!

What is the Iron Age roundhouse might you ask? These were actually the standard form of housing during the Iron and Bronze ages; though their circular structure, thatched roofs and singular rooms may seem ordinary compared to our furnished houses complete with WiFi connections and running water, these were some of British History's most notable architectural formations and our Year 3 students made some of their very own roundhouse replicas completed with the domed roof! We think their mini version of the Celtic homes look absolutely fabulous!