OfSTED...what did they say:

Staff, pupils, parents and carers support each other well. They have created a close-knit community in this school. Staff make sure that pupils are safe.  Pupils follow the school rules and behave well.
Pupils rise to leaders’ high expectations and work hard. They understandthe importance of education. Children in the early years enjoy the range of learning that staff plan for them.
Leaders promote wider reading well across the school. Staff take great care when choosing the texts pupils read together in class.
Leaders offer a broad curriculum whichincludesArabic, art and designand Islamic studies. 
Pupils have many opportunities to appreciate and learn about other cultures and religions. For example, some of them had the chance to recently go on an educational trip to Thailand where they experienced life in a Buddhist school.
The school's policy and programme for relationships and sex education are in line with statutory guidance.

OfSTED Progress Monitoring Inspection - 2023
OfSTED Report - 2022

OfSTED...what did they say:

"Across all key stages and subjects, pupils make good progress overall."
"Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They work hard, are inquisitive and try their best. Misbehaviour is rare."
"New leaders have improved the quality of teaching and made sure that children make good progress academically and socially."
"The proprietor and the new leadership team have created a positive and ambitious culture in the school. They have high expectations for themselves, the staff and pupils. They aspire to help pupils to become upright citizens, making a strong contribution to society and to reach high academic standards."
"The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is excellent."
"Pupils leave the school very well prepared for life in modern Britain."
"There is an excellent culture of safeguarding at the school."
"The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding."
"The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. They have excellent attitudes to learning."
"The most able pupils make good progress because teachers set them work that challenges them to think deeper."
OfSTED Report - 2018
OfSTED Report.pdf