

Our New Book Sale!

At BHA, we constantly aim to make reading an enjoyable endevour and our book sales introduce our students to plenty of new books from a diverse range of authors! Giving our children the autonomy to choose their own books allows them to consider reading as an enjoyable activity! We've got some lovely snapshots from the book sale below, as well as more updates on our social media channels!


Welcome Back to School!

We wish all our BHA students and staff members a hearty back to school welcome! Our students have begun settling into their new routines and classes after a fun-filled summer holiday, and they've got so much to look forward to in the new academic year! Exciting trips, events and workshops await our BHA students, and we'll definitely keep you up-to-date with all of our exciting endeavours!


Reception - Graduation!

It was delightful to witness our Reception students graduate from their class, marking their upcoming entry into Primary school. Our children definitely enjoyed the moment with their families as they received certificates and gifts, and took photos in the photo booth! A big thank you goes out to everyone who could be there, as well as to the teachers for putting on such a fantastic graduation for some of our youngest students!


Our EYFS Receives the Silver HEYLP Award!

A huge congratulations goes out to our EYFS team for receiving the silver HEYLP award in recognition of their outstanding healthy eating! Supported by Sadiq Khan, and attended by our Barnet MPs, this event celebrated the achievements of different education settings in the county!